related to Computer Science
Student, STEM campus "Intro to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision"
ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE "SCUOLA DI FORMAZIONE SCIENTIFICA LUIGI LAGRANGE"I was a student at the STEM Campus at the Luigi Lagrange School of Scientific Education, where I participated in the course "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision." My experience was highly educational, and I learned many fundamental concepts for my professional growth. During the course, I had the opportunity to learn how to use machine learning algorithms to control the movements of a toy car using sensors and a series of coding programs.
Student, STEM campus "Programmieren 4.0 - Künstliche Intelligenz"
Computer CampI was a student at the PROGRAMMIEREN 4.0 KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ campus at ComputerCamp in Föckinghausen. During the course, I had the opportunity to deepen my programming knowledge and learn the basics of C# and Python, two essential programming languages for software and application development. What fascinated me the most was learning to develop machine learning algorithms for autonomous driving in video games. Through lessons and hands-on activities, I learned how to use the right tools to create algorithms that could learn from data and improve over time.
related to Climate and Sustainability
Student, Oxford School of Climate Change
Oxford Climate SocietyI was fortunate to participate in the intensive course "Oxford Climate School" organized by the Oxford Climate Society. The course provided a comprehensive and in-depth overview of climate change and environmental policies, with a particular focus on sustainable development models. Experts in the field delivered a series of lectures on environmental issues and climate change, analyzing their causes and possible solutions. Additionally, we had the opportunity to engage in discussions and practical activities, applying what we had learned.
Organizer, UWC Climate Panel
UWC Dilijan CollegeI served as a SUSTAINABILITY COORDINATOR at UWC Dilijan College and had the honor of organizing the INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE SEMINAR called 'UWC Climate Panel'. The event took place online and involved numerous experts in the field of sustainability, including scientists, communicators, and activists. I personally contacted each of them to ensure their availability to speak at the event. The main objective of the UWC Climate Panel was to raise awareness among the international community about the need to promote sustainability and address the global challenges of climate change. Additionally, we aimed to highlight the difficulties faced by communities most affected by climate change on a daily basis and the role of indigenous communities in the fight for environmental and climate defense. One of the most challenging aspects of organizing the seminar was coordinating the various UWC campuses scattered around the world. Thanks to Zoom, we were able to connect the 18 UWC colleges so that students could participate in real-time and ask questions to the speakers. I had the responsibility of MODERATING the discussion and collecting questions from the audience and students so that the speakers could address their concerns and inquiries.

Coordinator, Sustainability Committee
UWC Dilijan CollegeDuring my year abroad, I had the honor of being ELECTED to be part of the Sustainability Committee at the prestigious international school, UWC Dilijan College. In this role, I had the opportunity to collaborate with the committee in ORGANIZING a series of sustainability projects aimed at making the school more environmentally friendly and responsible. Specifically, I had the opportunity to engage and MEDIATE with the school administration for the implementation of sustainable policies such as energy conservation and the installation of solar panels to reduce the school's environmental impact. Additionally, I worked with the municipality of Dilijan and an NGO in Yerevan to establish a recycling system for the school. With my knowledge and passion for sustainability, I contributed to educating students about environmental issues, promoting waste segregation and recycling, as well as advocating for more sustainable behaviors in their daily lives. Furthermore, I actively participated in organizing various committee activities, providing support in coordinating and organizing sustainability-related events.

Speaker, TED Countdown Summit
TEDI was invited to REPRESENT Fridays For Future at the TED Countdown Summit 2022 in Edinburgh, an event that aims to bring attention to the fight against climate change. I attended the conference, where I met numerous activists from different countries, including Alexandria Villaseñor and Ayisha Siddiqa, with whom I collaborated in conducting seminars on the importance of activism in the climate fight. During the summit, I MEDIATED between the TED organizing team and the group of invited activists in managing a panel with Shell CEO, Ben van Beurden. However, together with a group of activists, we decided to BOYCOTT Ben van Beurden's speech, urging the audience to leave the room in light of Shell's environmentally damaging activities. I also had the opportunity to meet several prominent figures actively engaged in the climate battle, including VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE, UNFCCC Secretary Patricia Espinosa, Christiana Figueres, and Emma Watson.

Protagonist, Documentary "Ragazzi Irresponsabili"
Italia che CambiaI was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet Ezio Maisto, a director who was working on a documentary about the Fridays for Future movement, and I became one of the main characters in the documentary titled "Irresponsible Youth." For a whole year, I actively participated in the filming, documenting the climate change demonstrations and protests in which I was involved, alongside other young activists. Thanks to this documentary, I had the chance to share my experience with a broader audience, giving voice to the concerns that I share with many others regarding the future of our planet. I am happy to share that the documentary "Irresponsible Youth" was awarded at the Cinemambiente Film Festival in Turin, a significant event dedicated to films and documentaries addressing environmental issues, as well as at the fiftieth edition of the Giffoni Film Festival. The documentary is still available online on Infinity+ by Mediaset.

Student, Bocconi Summer School - International Politics & EU for Sustainable Development
Bocconi UniversityAfter a selection process, I had the opportunity to participate as a student in the "International Politics" and "EU for Sustainable Development" courses at the Bocconi Summer School. These were two very interesting courses that allowed me to deepen my knowledge of international political and economic issues, as well as environmental challenges and sustainable development. The Bocconi Summer School is a summer program organized by the prestigious Bocconi University in Milan, dedicated to university students from around the world who want to enhance their knowledge in a stimulating and international academic environment. During the program, students have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of courses in various disciplines, including economics, finance, management, law, and political science.
related to Leadership
Organizer, TedX Youth @ UWCDilijan
UWC Dilijan CollegeTED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an annual conference founded in 1984 with the goal of spreading ideas and knowledge through motivational speeches of maximum 18 minutes. The main event takes place in Vancouver, Canada, but TED has also organized TEDx events worldwide. TEDxYouth is a version of the TEDx format that focuses on young people under 18 years old and aims to inspire them to spread ideas and innovative solutions to the challenges their generation faces. Along with other students from my school in Armenia, I was involved in forming the organizing team for the TEDxYouth@UWCDilijan conference. With my experience in event organization, I took on the responsibility of handling the event LOGISTICS, assigning tasks, and COORDINATING the team's activities.

Member, Outdoor Leadership
UWC Dilijan CollegeI was SELECTED as a member of the Outdoor Leadership Committee at UWC Dilijan School in Armenia. I worked closely with our teacher, a veteran of the 44-day war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, to COORDINATE the school's sports activities. It was an incredible experience to participate in numerous excursions across Armenian territory, including hiking and climbing. The most memorable one was a week-long trek in the Armenian mountains, which also included an introduction to cave exploration. I was thrilled to have the responsibility of managing winter ski trips to the Soviet-era ski resorts in Tsaghkadzor and providing skiing lessons to my peers. This experience taught me how to work in teams and handle emergency situations in remote and challenging environments. Additionally, it allowed me to discover the natural beauty of Armenia and appreciate the local culture.

Delegate, Italian Model United Nations (Honorable Mention and Best Delegate Awards)
United NetworkI participated in the Italian Model United Nations in Turin for two consecutive years, an event that simulates United Nations sessions where students from around the world come together to discuss global issues and seek solutions. I found this experience extremely stimulating and rewarding as it provided me with the opportunity to improve my communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. I participated in various committees, including the Human Rights Committee and the Sustainable Development Committee, where I had to negotiate with other delegates, make important decisions, and strive to find compromises to address the issues at hand. Additionally, I involved some of my classmates in this experience, helping them prepare for the Model United Nations and providing support during the event. I was awarded an Honorable Mention in my first year and won the Best Delegate award in my second year, which made me feel very proud of the work I had done.

related to Creativity and Community
Computer Science Tutor, Tutoring Project
IIS Blaise PascalI collaborated as a computer science tutor in the Pascal Tutoring project, initiated by Blaise Pascal School. I provided computer science lessons to students at the school, both in-person and online during the COVID-19 pandemic. My role involved reinforcing the topics covered in school and assisting students with specific difficulties in understanding the subject matter. I coordinated with the computer science teacher, Veronica Cinti, to organize the lessons and plan the topics to be covered. We were able to provide personalized support to the students by identifying their weaknesses and offering targeted lessons to address their difficulties.