
definition of

david wicker

proper noun

da・vid (ˈdā-vəd)

David has completed his applied science diploma at the IIS Blaise Pascal high school in Giaveno. He is passionate about computer science and actively engaged in climate activism. David is fluent in Italian, English (Cambridge C2), and is learning German (Goethe B1). He has made the decision to pursue computer science at Maastricht University starting this year. In the future, he aspires to delve into the application of machine learning in predicting extreme weather events.


projects and extracurriculars


TedX Youth

organized a TEDxYouth Conference hosted by UWC Dilijan in Dilijan, Armenia, showcasing inspiring speakers and ideas to empower and engage youth.

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Mai Checkers

Took on a project recommended by the computer science teacher and successfully developed an online 3D checkers game using web technologies

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DEC Torino

I drafted and proposed a motion for the Declaration of Climate Emergency to the City Council of Turin. With the support of the environmental councilor, the motion was approved.

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work experience

During my internship at Mediamente Consulting, a Business Intelligence company in Turin, I was tasked with developing a car booking system for managing internal employee rentals. I began by designing the website pages using Figma, and once approved, I proceeded to implement the design on the company's codebase. To bring the car booking system to life, I utilized PHP, raw JavaScript, and SCSS. I carefully developed the backend functionalities using PHP to ensure seamless communication with the company's database. With JavaScript, I added interactive elements and dynamic features to enhance the user experience.

Mediamente Consulting


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